Septembre 2024

Anzani, A., Lorusso, M. M., Rucco, D., & Prunas, A. (2024). Parental perspectives on fertility preservation for their trans and gender-expansive children: Reflections on complexities of autonomy, support, and societal realities. International Journal of Transgender Health, 0(0), 1–15.
Bailey, S., Lin, A., Cook, A., Winter, S., Watson, V., Toussaint, D. W., Barrett, E. L., Newton, N. C., Perry, Y., Grummitt, L., & Strauss, P. (2024). Contextualising Experiences of Co-Occurring Mental Ill-Health and Substance Use Among Trans, Non-Binary, and Gender Diverse Young People: Implications for Tailored Harm Reduction Approaches. Community Mental Health Journal.
Brisson, J., Castro-Arteaga, M., Solari Perez, K., Silva-Santisteban, A., & Perez-Brumer, A. (2024). Transnational pathways of financial interdependence: testimonios from young transgender women Venezuelan migrants in Latin America. Journal of LGBT Youth, 0(0), 1–17.
Burnside, A., Lorenz, D., Harries, M., Janssen, A., & Hoffmann, J. (2024). Suicide Risk Identified among Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth in the Emergency Department (2019-2022). Academic Pediatrics.
Crabtree, L., Connelly, K. J., Guerriero, J. T., Battison, E. A. J., Tiller-Ormord, J., Sutherland, S. M., & Moyer, D. N. (2024). A More Nuanced Story: Pediatric Gender-Affirming Healthcare is Associated With Satisfaction and Confidence. Journal of Adolescent Health, 0(0).
Godwin, E. G., Moore, L. B. M., & Katz-Wise, S. L. (2024). “You always worry about what other people think”: Experiences of antitrans stigma among trans youth and their siblings in the Northeastern United States. Stigma and Health, No Pagination Specified-No Pagination Specified.
Huang, F. (2024). Legal Balance: Where Parental Obligations and Responsibilities Lie in the Current Legal Landscape Concerning Gender-affirming Treatments for Transgender Minors in the United States and the United Kingdom. Transactions on Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 12, 198–203.
Jones, B. A., Nguyen, Alisha. L., Sequeira, G. M., Morrison, S. D., & Cahill, L. (2024). The gender congruences and life satisfaction scale for transgender and gender-diverse youth (GCLS-Y): a validation study with samples from the UK and US. International Journal of Transgender Health, 0(0), 1–15.
Kassen, J. (2024). Interrogating Trans (in)visibility: A collective case study of school-based mental health provision and access for trans and gender-diverse youth in Ontario.
Martin-Storey, A., Mayne, K., Beischel, W., & Craig, W. (2024). Sleep health among youth outside of the gender binary: Findings from a national Canadian sample. Sleep Health.
Ralph, P., Mahoud, M., Schlager, D., Lee, W. G., Wafa, R., Williamson, E., Butler, G., Ralph, D., & Sangster, P. (2024). UK Data Collection of Semen Quality in Transgender Adolescent Females Seeking Fertility Preservation. Fertility and Sterility.
Topaz, E., Perl, L., Raphael, I., Sheppes, T., Erez, G., Israeli, G., Segev-Becker, A., Oren, A., & Shechner, T. (2024). Mental Health and Timing of Gender-Related Events Among Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents Seeking Gender-Affirming Consultation and Care. Psychiatry Research, 116175.

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